Hail fellow Autarch's!
Wow the last post was December last year, sorry about that folks. Well it's been a busy last 8 months or so and the hobby really took a back foot in my life but i'm glad to say i'm back into it now. It's been quite a stressful time lately but now I have my new house and can finally sit down and start painting and maybe take a deep breath :)

I have designed my list on a very strong offence with multiple threats backed up by some long ranged heavy weapon defense that can hold back field objectives.
Offensive Wing:
Avatar - Fast Shot & Disarming Strike
10 Dire Avengers - Exarch with Shimmershield and Power Sword
10 Dire Avengers - Exarch with Shimmershield and Power Sword
10 Wraith Blades - Ghost Axes, Shields
Wraith Lord - Ghost Glaive, Twin Heavy Flamers, Bright Lance, Scatter Laser
Wraith Knight - Suncannon, Scatter Laser

10 Guardian Defenders - Bright Lance
10 Guardian Defenders - Bright Lance
War Walker Squadron (3) - Dual Scatter Lasers
I will keep you all up to date on my progress with painting the new army. I have a few pictures from my painting over the weekend which I will stick up after i get some progress done. Once the army is painted I will play a few games and post up some video battle reports along with some tactica. Also I hope you enjoyed some of the pictures of models in this article which of course weren't painted by me but many of the wonderful talented painters we all admire and follow. Particular favourite of mine is the picture just to the right from Thirdeyenuke from the Tale of Painters blog which you can find linked on my site.
Glad to be back!
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