Friday 6 September 2013

Eldar Vs. Ork's 1650pts Battle Report

Hi all,

In this battle report the Savage Orks take on the enigmatic Eldar of the Saim Hann Craftworld. If I sound nervous that's because I was! :) I suppose the more videos I do the less nervous I will sound. Anyway Enjoy the video and the pics below.



  1. Oh, Orks. I'd feel bad for them if they hadn't been kicking my teeth in for most of 5th Ed.

    Want to trade blog roll additions? I'll add you and hopefully you add me back!

    1. I hate and love Ork nob bikers. They are a cool army but damned hard to kill.

    2. Hehe yeh tell me about it. They cost an arm and a leg but so damn worth it ;)

    3. Hey Spellduck of course I will add your blog. Thanks buddy.

    4. I had a quick question- why did you choose to kit the Wraithknight base? I've been struggling with the upgrades, it seems like the best choice (for me) is the Suncannon/Shield, because it gives me an invul save (however small) and a giant boost vs. 2+ save units (Terminators, especially Blood Angel terminators, are my nemesis). It is a 40pt upgrade and you lose the anti-armor guns, but the Wraithknight is so fast and so good at punching tanks, I figure I would always give it the anti-mob gun...

      Good game! Orks have given me a lot of trouble in the past, I have yet to face them since the new Codex.

    5. Hi Noah, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. To be honest either setup is good and I myself would tend to agree with you that the sun cannon and shield is best. I made sure I magnetised everything so I could swap loadouts. In this instance I decided to keep the points to a minimum.

  2. When you mentioned a BS2 Quad Gun; it is worth noting that a Quad Gun is a Weapon Emplacement and not an Emplaced Weapon (they are actually different things), so cannot fire without somebody manning it.

    1. Ah nice1 buddy didn't know that :) oops sorry Ross ;)

    2. Quite a few people get that one twisted up. It probably would have been a good choice by GW to use less similar wording for those two. Emplaced gun, gun emplacement, who could have known? :)
